While visitors to this site (we are a dive company after all) will likely spend a lot of time underwater to experience the magnificent diving, there is a lot to experience away from the water in Tufi.
What To Do in Tufi
Luxury Hotels in Tufi

Tufi Dive Resort
Located in Oro Province in the south east of mainland of Papua New Guinea, the Tufi Dive Resort is a small, remote resort of just 25 rooms that...
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 hotels
The Wonders of Papua New Guinea

Since arriving at Original Diving in 2012, Papua New Guinea has always been at the top of my travel list. Not only did the diving appeal, but the wildlife and culture is so varied that I was eager to experience it all (I have David Attenborough to thank for a lot of this!) Luckily, last…
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