
Charlotte Dunn

underwater photo of a diver swimming below a manta ray looking up to it

By Charlotte
On: 17th September, 2024

Biophilia Hypothesis, it’s natural for us to connect to nature.

Ask yourself a simple question: do you feel better after spending time in nature? This could be in the form of a dive, a walk in the park, tending to your garden or simply sitting on the grass. Most likely, your answer will be yes, and this is the basis of the biophilia hypothesis - the idea…

underwater photo showing a manta ray swimming over a bright light resting on the seabed at night time.

By Charlotte
On: 9th September, 2024

Bonfire Diving

  • Lembeh Strait
  • Anilao
  • Maldives

Everyone enjoys sitting around a camp fire roasting marshmallows right? Well how about floating around an underwater 'fire' after the sun sets, surrounded by marine creatures of the night? Bonfire diving is a chance to glide with the aliens that swim among us - it's like diving in an…

underwater photo of a wobbegong shark swimming in blue water over a sandy seafloor

By Charlotte
On: 2nd September, 2024

Our Top Facts About Wobbegong Sharks

Broad and flat headed with upward facing eyes and a blotted skin tone - do you know who we're talking about? Wobbegong sharks are bottom dwelling, nocturnal creatures who enjoy living in the warm waters of the tropical and western Pacific oceans. With dappled skin and the ability to…

a goliath grouper resting under rocks

By Charlotte
On: 27th August, 2024

Top Ten Goliath Grouper Facts

Often found solo, except during the summer months full moons, the solitary goliath groupers live in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, typically in the shallows close to coral reefs, wrecks or ledges ranging from five to 50m in depth. Recognised as a 'critically…

aerial view of blacktip reef sharks swimming in shallow rocky waters

By Charlotte
On: 19th August, 2024

Shark Identification 101: Know the Species You’ll Encounter

While many divers love to spot sharks, let's be honest - many of us still get our silkies, nurses and lemon sharks mixed up. While certain sharks are easier to identify (obvious answers being the whale shark and the wobbegong) to a total newbie, a first encounter can still leave them perplexed.

underwater photo of a blue whale diving down from the water surface

By Charlotte
On: 12th August, 2024

Blue Whale Facts

Blue whales are the largest creatures on Earth; in fact, they're larger than the dinosaurs ever were. Found in all waters around the world, excluding the Arctic, these blue behemoths prefer to travel solo. But they never lose contact, choosing to communicate with other whales through…

By Charlotte
On: 9th August, 2024

Diving 'The Pit' in Mexico

  • Mexico

Plunging fin first into 'The Pit', El Pit, might not sound like the most enticing offer when it comes to dive sites. But allow us to explain the beauty of diving in the cenote known as El Pit, and why it should be on every diver's bucket-list. El Pit is part of the longest underwater cave…

underwater macro photography of a pink pygym seahorse resting on pink coral with a black background

By Charlotte
On: 5th August, 2024

Best Underwater Photography Destinations

As divers, we love seeking out bucket-list creatures in the deep blue. The majority of us enjoy turning those memories into photos too (how else will our non-diving friends believe us?). Whether you're a novice looking for crystal clear waters and calm conditions, a history buff wanting to…

A group of sperm whales swimming close to the surface in deep blue water

By Charlotte
On: 29th July, 2024

Top Ten Sperm Whale Facts

Immortalised by Herman Melville's classic novel Moby-Dick, sperm whales have delighted (and boggled) ocean lovers for centuries. Boasting the largest brain on Earth, along with an equally large block-shaped head, these social creatures live in pods, sleep vertically and enjoy diving to…

Underwater photo of a group of spotted rays gliding in clear water

By Charlotte
On: 22nd July, 2024

Why Scuba Diving Makes You Happier

Have you ever heard of the biophilia hypothesis? It's a theory that humans have an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other life forms. As divers, this instinct resonates deeply with us. While we might at times appear over-enthusiastic about how much the ocean affects our…