Travel Advice & Information

Time Zone

Belize operates on Central Standard Time (CST) throughout the year, which is seven-hours behind the UK (GMT). Belize does not observe seasonal time changes.

Currency and Banking

In Belize, you'll find ATMs readily available in larger towns, often accepting UK cards. However, be aware they are not always totally reliable. The local currency is Belize dollars, but US dollars are also widely accepted. Banks typically open from 8am to 2:30pm on Mondays to Thursdays and extend their hours until 4:30pm on Fridays.

Electricity and Adapters

Belize's electrical supply operates at 120/220V, and the power plugs and sockets commonly feature the two-pronged flat type. UK travellers will need an adapter to use their devices. Depending on your electronics, you may also require a voltage converter due to differences in frequency.

Store Hours and Local Customs

Merchants in Belize generally open their doors from 8am to 12pm, close for a break, and then reopen from 1pm to 4:30pm. Some shops may close for a period on Wednesday afternoons. It's worth noting that Belize's relaxed culture sometimes means that business hours may not be strictly adhered to.

Media Landscape

Belize boasts a diverse media landscape. Amandala provides a mix of national news, sports and editorial opinion. The Belize Times serves as the official newspaper of the People's United Party, while The Guardian fulfils the same role for the United Democratic Party. Additionally, there's The Reporter, an independent weekly newspaper. Television options are extensive, with access to on-air, cable and satellite channels.

Postal Services

Post offices in Belize operate from 8am to 4pm on Mondays to Thursdays, with slightly shorter hours on Fridays, closing at 3:30pm. They are closed on weekends.

Communication and Dialling Codes

To call the United Kingdom from Belize, dial 00, followed by the UK's country code (44), and then the specific number you wish to call.

Internet and Mobile Connectivity

Belize generally offers good Wi-Fi coverage in most areas, and you can expect reliable 3G/4G signals. The country has two main mobile operators: Digi by Belize Telemedia Limited/BTL (formerly DigiCell) and Smart! by Speednet, both providing extensive coverage.

Useful Information

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