Bunaken Diving Holidays: An Overview
Bunaken Marine Park in North Sulawesi spans an impressive 220,160 acres. As one of the oldest marine protected areas in Indonesia, it's heralded for having insanely high levels of biodiversity and for providing refuge to rare and endangered species.
The marine park encompasses five islands: Bunaken, Montehage, Siladan, Manado Tua and Nain, as well as the neighbouring North Sulawesi coastline. With roughly 50 dive sites to choose from, diving in Bunaken Marine Park never gets old, with an estimated 2,000 fish species (there are a whopping 33 species of butterfly fish alone!) and 390 species of coral to look out for.
While Bunaken Marine Park is largely characterised by steep coral walls, crystal clear waters and vast numbers of shimmering fish, in reality, the park's dive sites are extremely varied and offer so much more. The southern part boasts seagrass meadows frequented by grazing dugongs; Manado Bay has some spectacular muck sites plus an interesting wreck dive - the Molas Wreck; whereas Mandolin Reef, off Bunaken Island, is home to large pelagics including tuna, sharks and eagle rays.
If you'd like to go diving in Bunaken Marine Park on your next holiday in Indonesia, our Original Diving team would be more than happy to help you put together your dream itinerary.