A glistening archipelago of pearl drop islands, turquoise lagoons and incredible (understatement alert) diving, the Maldives is one of the most coveted paradises on earth, yet also one of the most fragile. However, where unregulated fishing practices, plastic-pollution and climate change are real threats, Six Senses Laamu is providing the answer.

Six Senses Laamu

Eco-Warriors: Six Senses Laamu

Located in the southernly Laamu atoll, Six Senses Laamu's eco-credentials are endless. From pledging to become plastic-free by 2022 and inspiring guests to don their sustainability-sunhats with a wealth of eco-experiences (more on that later) to lobbying for new regulations for marine reserves, sustainability is in the Six Senses' DNA.


Maldives Marine Conservation Charities

With three resident NGO's - the Manta Trust, Blue Marine Foundation and Olive Ridley Project - on board, the island is also championing ocean conservation through research, education and local community work. They take students - many of whom have never properly explored their watery world - snorkelling on local reefs and founded the annual 'Turtles in Laamu - Safe and Protected' festival to raise awareness of their plight. Through these admirable actions, Six Senses is planting the seed for long-term change by igniting blue minds across the atoll (and beyond) to act together to protect what they love. After all, we are all stewards of the natural environment.

Six Senses Top Six Eco Adventures

Team work makes the dream work, so get stuck in with these eco-adventures…

coral nurseries maldives

1. Plant Coral Nurseries

Guided by an expert coral biologist, harvest coral fragments from donor colonies, attach them to the nursery's ropes, scrub off any unwanted algae, measure the increased growth rate and transplant corals back on to the house reef to thrive and flourish. Et voila, a reef is born.

turtle hatchling

2. Turtle Nest Hatching

Visit during turtle hatching season (May to September) and witness hundreds of baby green turtles emerging from their nests, padding down the beach before disappearing into the foamy waves. If they hatch at night, the resort will wake you up to see this heart-warming spectacle under a blanket of stars.

marine biologist

3. Become a Marine Biologist

Don your snorkel gear and take a field trip with one of the ten resident marine biologists to learn about the marvelous local marine life - whether exploring the house reef, sea grass meadows or heading out further afield, search for sharks, rays, turtles and fish galore.

turtle festival

4. A Turtle-y Awesome Festival

Attend the islands annual 'Turtles in Laamu - Safe and Protected' festival - an atoll-wide event that brings together 13 schools, NGOs, and local councils across all 11 islands in Laamu to raise awareness of the importance of turtles, their habitats and overall health of the marine environment.

junior marine biologist

5. Junior Marine Biologist

Have a budding Jacques Cousteau in your brood? Little VIP's between six and 16 can dive into the deep end with seven modules covering all things marine conservation - including a personalized project paired with a marine biologist.

Aerial view of Six Senses Beach

6. Volunteer in a Beach Clean-Up

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but without action there could be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050. Join the war against plastic pollution by joining a beach or reef clean, because each and every piece of litter removed from the beach is a piece that will no longer threaten to harm the local marine life.

Environmental education programme

Top Tips for Travelling Sustainably

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. There are so many different aspects to travelling sustainably, from plastic use to giving back to the local community, so organisation is key. Carrying the essentials such as a reusable water bottle, coffee cup, shopping bag and a metal straw will banish single-use plastic while purchasing handmade, local items (although to state the obvious, avoid wildlife products such as animal furs, teeth, or shells) will support the local community; we can also give you advice on the best ways to give back to the area. Sharing is caring, so spread the word to inspire your friends and family to choose responsible travel experiences as well.

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